Sunday 18 April 2010

final production

Estate of mind from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.

Evauation activity 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Compared to our preliminary task I believe that we have developed greatly. When doing our preliminary task we were new to Media and didn’t get the grasp of editing so it was pretty basic. In our final production we noticed that we used a wider range of camera angles and developed shots. Also I personally believed that we become more creative and imaginative meaning that we had a bigger vision for our production than our preliminary.

Comparing the 1st production to the second you can see that the 1st had more thought and effort than the second as we wanted it to look more professional and presentable to be honest the 2nd one from the preliminary task is a bit too basic and doesn’t look that nice with the colours in particular.

Even though the preliminary shot shown 1st is much clearer I believe the ‘Estate of mind’ shot has more of a story behind it. The shot is the same as they both are medium shots but the second has a bit more background to it you can tell that there is a story behind it which may draw you more into it.

There are still some things that we learnt from doing the preliminary task that we used for our production for example the 180 degree rule which came in handy when filming making sure things looked proper in the film.

Also we lernt about match on action which developed into Connecting shots which we used alot in our filming. this way we showed abit of of genre with out giving to much away.

It is very clear that without doing the prelim task we wouldn’t have had a good knowledge of filming

Evauation activity 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When being introduced to media production it was a first for me. I didn’t know that there where so many different programs that I could use to develop our opening sequence.

The first program we used was Adobe Premier Pro which is a video editing programme where you can add effects to your film and removes some footage that you may not exactly want. Our group found it quite easy to work the programme as it was very straight forward to use and came with good tips. The wide ranges of effects are very good and can defiantly help define the genre of the film.

Sometimes if I want to try something very difficult I would seek advice on you tube tutorials.

Another programme I used was Adobe After Effects. The group and I used this programme to to do our title and our production logo this is where we can create original pieces add effects on to them and them pass it on to premiere pro to create the final production.

Other technologies we used.

HD camera which we used to film. we used this especially to get a clear shot so our production would look more professional. I found it very easy to use and didnt have a difficulties with it.

Facebook to promote our production and engage our target audience. we used this social networking site specifically becuase we know that alot of our target audience use this site and it was more convienient to use.

Youtube to place production on. Also we had a chance for any one out side our target audience to view it and see what other people thinl about it and give us constructive critisim.

Friday 16 April 2010

Evauation activity 5

Evauation activity 3

This is our commentary on our production talking about how we created it the roles that were played and how we funded and found inspiration for our piece.

estate of mind eval act3 part 1 from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.

estate of mind eval act 3 part 2 from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.